UX Design: The Key Piece to Your Marketing Strategy

What is UX Design?
User experience (UX) is a type of design that aims to optimize the experience from a user’s perspective. That means making it as easy as possible for a customer to find the right product and complete the purchase, all why consuming the design elements that define your brand. What may look good visually, could negatively affect a customer’s ability to understand their next step. This could be anything from a not-so-easy-to-spot button, to missing calls to action. Each of these components is essential to retaining customers and increasing conversions. Now, because UX is one of the newest design methods out there, many people struggle to understand the core fundamentals and why it is so essential for every brand. But what many more people do not realize is that we interact with designs daily. That is right, every day. The sum of your interactions with a product or service becomes the experience. So, while you still might not understand all of its benefits, know that it an important aspect of everyone’s life.
The Importance of UX Design
Now that you have a brief overview of what UX design really is, it is time to dive into why it is so important for your brand. Have you ever opened an email on your mobile device, only to find that the site does not look like much of a site at all? More than likely, you jumped ship and abandoned the browser (we do not blame you!). It is a common occurrence and one that can be avoided with the proper techniques. Here are the top benefits of UX design.
UX can increase conversions. First and foremost, good UX design can significantly impact your conversion rate. And, isn’t that the goal of all brands: to make more money? When pages load fast, have clear and concise images, present a good or service, then glide you to the finish line all while looking fabulous and conveying your brand’s tone—now that is a real winner of a website. When consumers land on your website, they want you to convince them to purchase. So, having an easy path for them to do so will increase the number of orders you receive.
UX can increase brand loyalty. It is far less expensive to keep a customer than to find a new one. It is a day-old saying that rings true for all brands. If you can give a customer exactly what they were looking for while giving them great experience along the way, there is a much better chance they will purchase from you again. Repeat purchasers are loyal followers that believe in your product or service so much, that they keep coming back for more. UX can help increase brand loyalty by giving your customers an excellent experience every time.
UX can help with your SEO. While optimizing your site for search used to be simple—a title tag and a couple of keywords would have done the trick—a lot has changed recently. SEO functions by bots crawling your site to see if the information you are providing is useful to searchers. Not only do you need to optimize every bit of content on your site to be successful, but you need a site that is easy for bots to crawl and pull that information. That is where UX design comes in. With a clean navigation design and overall site structure, your site will have a better chance of ranking.
UX can increase word of mouth. Is there a business or chain location that you refuse to visit again? We are guessing it was because you had a bad experience. And, we are also guessing you told at least one person about it. You probably know where we are going with this, but word of mouth can either be really good for your brand, or really bad. UX design can increase the likelihood of positive word of mouth marketing. And that right there folks, is the only free marketing you will ever receive. So, take advantage of it.
Is UX Design Right for My Site?
We will make this short and sweet: of course! Any brand that has an eCommerce and is looking to expand (A.K.A that should be your brand) will need the design of their website to do more than just look good. Hiring a UX designer—or someone who specializes in the art—can transform your website into one that captures the audience with a great experience and helps them to the finish line. But, as you can probably imagine, there is much more to a successful brand than just UX design. Everything from social media marketing to mobile applications to your logo has an effect on how consumers view your brand and ultimately decide if they want to trust your brand and purchase from you. With a little help, you can grow every part of your brand in 2020 and become the brand you have always envisioned.

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